Level One: Training Basics
Who Should Take this Course?
Whether your new dog is a puppy, mature dog with some training or even a rescue dog, they are all “a surprise package” The best way to start your new relationship is to invest some time in building a basic bond of trust and good behavior. For the puppy everything is new. For the mature dog this class is a safe and managed environment for you both to get to know each other and find out what training both good and bad your new dog might have. As you move through the basics with an expert’s appraisal of your dog or puppy’s temperament the class will get general advice and individuals will get specific advice and hands-on help to work through any special issues. You will discover more about your dog’s personality and the techniques that will work best for him or her.

As you advance through the lessons. you learn not just the command but a method of communicating that improves all the time and the discipline of these early lessons set the expectation and style for future communications and learning between you that will mold good-behaviour. It locks in the obedience framework for owning a remarkable dog.
Each class moves at its own pace, and over the class we work on the basics:
- Learning good manners
- Walk on leash without pulling, Learning the basics of Come, Sit, Down, Heeling Leave it, Wait
- Dealing with problem behavior (chewing, housetraining, biting, jumping)
Training for Life
As the basic commands become consistently obeyed, our obedience training will gradually expand into Training for Life. We want to keep the classes interesting but even more important we want to help you build a team/pack bond of confidence in which your dog trusts and expects your leadership through life’s many environments and emergencies.
Walking around in a group circle teaches basics but does not prepare you for life. We create different environments that challenge doggy communications and train your dog to trust you in novel situations, and it’s fun. Of course, not every dog will be old enough or ready for all situations and we adapt learning suitable to your dog’s abilities. Life is unpredictable and this training prepares you both.
The “novel situations” a simply “different” to the dog. They include:
- Jumping over low heights
- Climbing sitting and staying on different spots and different objects
- Going through a six foot box, a simulated “tunnel”
- Walking across a raised plank
Of course, not every dog will be old enough or ready for all situations and we adapt learning suitable to your dog’s abilities.
Throughout all the classes your dog learns to learn, you are always adding far more words to your joint vocabulary than these basic commands.
Class Guidelines
Please email or call for addition training times or any further information. The lessons are done in the great outdoors when possible; therefore students should dress for weather conditions. If the weather does not permit doing the lessons outside then they will be done inside in the loft of the barn. Group lessons include a maximum of 5 dogs often with 2 instructors.
- All dogs are required to have current vaccination and to be in good health.
- Dogs with known dog aggression issues will have to be privately assessed to ensure they can safely participate in a group lessons.
- Dogs that are people aggressive will not be able to participate in group lessons and will be required to take private lesson(fees may vary depending on the degree of the aggression)
Level One: Training Basics Pricing
- 7 Classes
- $280.00
Level One: Training Basics 2021 Schedule TBD
Level 1 Class Sign-Up
Training Reviews
Trish Dingman
Training Client
Thank you so much for all of your work with Coco. We enjoyed the classes and see a real improvement. Thanks again!

Melissa Smith
Training Client
Our training sessions with Jackie have been amazing from day one! Jackie is highly sensitive to the nature of everyone in her classes – dogs and humans alike. Her lessons have given me the skills to communicate clearly with my Boston terrier, Dizzy, and confidence that, given patience and a little bit of repetition, he is capable of so much more than I’d imagined, even at nine months of age. It’s amazing to watch him holding a down stay, or using a new piece of agility equipment!

Carrie & Trevor
Training Client
We got Rue from GoodHeart Kennel March 2008 because we liked the advise that we had received from Jackie. She was very thorough with her explanations and had extensive knowledge of dogs. She told us about her obedience classes and we wanted to sign up and have Rue take the classes. We knew that we had gotten a really good dog, but we also wanted to have a really good behaved dog. We started her puppy obedience class in May and have continued ever since. We and our dog have learned so much in such little time. Rue is heeling, sitting, goes down, knows up, through, under and is even learning agility. He loves these classes so much and he looks forward to going every Saturday. The look on his face when he accomplishes these activities is priceless. We thank you Jackie for your time and effort into helping us make Rue the best dog he can be and we look forward to continuing these lessons.

Training Client
Just to let you know that Abbey is now six months and a joy to be around. She listens so well. We walk by joggers and put her down and get so many compliments and thank yous from them. She walks by other dogs without any problem and will visit with them without incidence. I cannot believe how quickly we both learned from you in just an hour a week. Thank you for all you taught us. Take care.

Corinna and Krimmi
Training Client
Just wanted to drop you a quick note of thanks. Your training class was fantastic. I was pretty much at my wits end with Krimmi when we started the class. Maybe it was because of his behaviour that I had a really hard time bonding with him, me who gets attached to every dog. Now he’s “my boy.” 8 weeks ago I would have never thought or believed that he would or could stay in a down stay beside 2 other dogs and not break that stay even when the other dogs were called. Is he perfect? No, he is still crazy and obnoxious at times lol, but we now have the tools to keep working on his obedience. I will highly recommend your training classes and Krimmi and I will be back for level 2 in the fall.